Overleaf/ShareLaTeX instance of the University Computing Center


Dear students,

as already mentioned, the University Computing Center has been operating its own Overleaf instance since May.

For those of you who are not familiar with this: Overleaf is a collaborative online editor where you can write documents in LaTeX, alone or with any number of people.

The unique feature of the Computing Center instance is that this service does not cost you a penny, whereas the commercial service will charge you as soon as you no longer simply work on a document on your own.

Furthermore, the Computing Center's Overleaf instance already contains all corporate design templates of the Technische Universität Darmstadt. There is no need to download and set up the templates separately and you can start writing right away.

Thus, you now have a valuable tool for collaborative work on documents at your disposal, which will hopefully make your work in a team or alone a little bit easier.

Your mechanical engineering student council

More information about the Overleaf instance can be found on the website of the Computing Center.

The actual editor can be found under the following link.