
Examination Dates

Here you can find out when which exams are written. Please note, however, that there may be small deviations.

Examination Dates

In October 2008 the faculty of mechanical engineering has introduced a time schedule, when written exams are to be held. This time schedule is not generally binding, but previous experience has shown that nearly all dates of written exams are according to the schedule.

Exams for lectures that are held in the current semester are placed at the beginning of the non-terms, all the rest of them take place at the end. The generated free space can be used to do internships or work placements.

Minor changes are possible, for example when an examination date falls on a bank holiday or written exams have to be shifted in individual cases.

Exam dates bachelor 2324 (opens in new tab)

Exam dates master 2324 (opens in new tab)

Only dates published by the department II are binding!
Date and time can be slightly shifted!

Examination Dates

A list with dates of the compulsory exams and the WP1 (electives 1) in the Master MPE of the current semester can be found in TUCaN. These can be accessed in TUCaN (https://www.tucan.tu-darmstadt.de) as follows:

Registration in TUCaN is not necessary. First click on “Vorlesungsverzeichnis” in the upper tab, then on “Aktuell – Wintersemester 2017/18” in the left menu and finally on “FB16 – Maschinenbau”. You will find the exam dates under the lowest item “Examination Dates Mechanical Engineering – Mechanical and Process Engineering”. Attention! These dates are the expected dates. It is very likely that the exams will take place on these dates, but only the dates of Department II are binding.

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Most students don't really know, what their study regulations, internship regulations or the general examination terms contain. For this reason we provide some documents for you which summarize these regulations short and understandable (in German).

Examination regulations Bachelor MPE (Stand: 06.02.2013) (opens in new tab)
Examination regulations Master MPE (Stand: 06.02.2013) (opens in new tab)

Post-exam review

The following documents manage the process of post-exam review at the TU at the department of mechanical engineering. Important: only the General examination terms(APB) in their latest edition is obligatory. However, in those are only the student’s right to have apost-exam review put on record. The guidelines of the department II as well as the guidelines from the department of mechanical engineering are highly recommended, but absolutely nonbinding.

General examination ordinance (APB) of the TU Darmstadt (opens in new tab) (§29, Abs. 2)
Guidelines on examination insights (opens in new tab) (department II)
Guidelines on examination insights (opens in new tab) (department of mechanical engineering)

For further consulting please contact the department II or us.